TeamNEGU Blog

NCL Event Brings Joy To Kids Fighting Cancer

December 19, 2022

The National Charity League (NCL) is a California-based non-profit designed to bring mothers and daughters together in a commitment to community service, leadership development and cultural experiences.

NCL chapters from all over Orange County have volunteered in the JoyFactory to stuff JoyJars, create various boosts of encouragement, and help with events. The Canyon Chapter took it one step further, creating a Thankful to Serve event to benefit the Jessie Rees Foundation (JRF) to help provide more of Jessie’s JoyJars to Courageous Kids battling cancer.

The Thankful to Serve event is a one-day philanthropic give-back event. NCL members collected UNO cards and organized 4 workstations:

  • Coloring Care Cards (colorful, empowering notes of encouragement)
  • Tying blankets for kids of all ages fighting cancer
  • Creating posters to cheer on Courageous Kids attending JRF’s annual Santa Stroll
  • Participating in JRF’s iNEGU Challenge to raise awareness for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

NCL ladies holding encouraging signs

care cards negu colorful

One participant at the event said, “My daughter received one of Jessie’s original JoyJars at CHOC back in 2012 when she was just 2 years old.”

It means so much to hear that Jessie’s wish is making such an impact. Thank you to the NCL Canyon Chapter for a great day of service that will bring so much encouragement to kids fighting cancer!