JoyJars for Hospitals & Care centers

Help us spread JOY to kids fighting cancer at your hospital, camp or care center. 


If you use your life to help kids fighting cancer in a hospital, at an oncology camp or other care center we would love to send you Jessie’s JoyJars and spread JOY with you. 

JoyJars are for kids actively fighting cancer under the age of 19.  Each one of Jessie’s JoyJars are age and gender specific and filled with new toys and activities to help a child fighting cancer smile and feel loved.

To order your free JoyJars please use the “order JoyJars” button below.

Order JoyJars

Order JoyJars

Seasonal JoyJars filled with age-specific toys & activities delivered to Care Centers 

Nominate A Child

Nominate A Child

Give them a Year of Free, Recurring Boosts Joy with ClubNEGU 

Let's Chat

Let's Chat

Questions? Connect with us about how to spread word of ClubNEGU in your hospital 

Order JoyJars For Your Care Center

Thank you so much for all the amazing work you do to help courageous kids fighting cancer Never Ever Give Up! You and your team inspire us so much and we are so grateful to spread joy with you. 
Kids fighting cancer with their JoyJars

Shipping Information

No P.O. Boxes Please

Contact Information

Secondary Contact Information

Joy Pack Request Information

JoyPack Customization
If you would like to customize your JoyPack, please designate the number of JoyJars you need based on gender and age of kids who will be receiving them. 

We look forward to encouraging a Courageous Family you know!

ClubNEGU provides encouragement and support for families with a child (0-18 years) fighting cancer in the United States and Canada. After receiving parental approval, the child’s first recurring boost of joy will arrive in approximately four weeks and continue for 12-18 months.

Courageous Child Nomination

Parent's Information

Child's Information

Your Information

All-Star Visits

If you are interested in learning more about the chance to have a NEGU All-Star visit your hospital, please fill out the form below.

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Let’s Chat

Do you have a question or simply want to connect with us to learn more about how you can spread word of ClubNEGU in your hospital? Fill out this form and we will get in touch with you!

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