You’re A Masterpiece

111Do you like to read?  I’m not a big reader, but I do enjoy learning ways to improve myself as a husband, a father and a leader.  Last week I was reading a book that talked about how people are “Masterpieces”.  I decided to do a little research on the thought and found out that for a piece of art to be considered a “Masterpiece” it has to be 100% original.  In addition, these one-of-a-kind works of art end up having incredible value and worth. After reading about these, I thought about what the author had written and I have to agree.  You and I are 100% original, one-of-a-kind and have incredible value.  The sad thing about life is we start out as originals and end up trying to become carbon copies of other people.  We let the words and actions of others shape and define us.  That is so wrong!  We all need to fight to be true to the Masterpieces we are.  I’m not saying it’s easy but I think it’s a worthy pursuit. When I was little, my drunken dad used to yell and hit me.  He called me all sorts of names and told me I would never be successful.  I could have let his dysfunction define me, but I’m glad I didn’t.   A counselor I have seen over the years helped me realize I didn’t have to let the past impact my potential. Maybe the “playground of life” hasn’t hurt you or maybe it has.  No matter what… you are a Masterpiece with great value, worth and potential.  I hope you will choose to believe you are a Masterpiece so no one from your past can rob your future. I believe in you!

THANK YOU for your gift to help care until there is a cure!
