Three-year-old Gerald “Wesley” was diagnosed with Pre B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in 2017. Wesley loves Mighty Machines heavy equipment and farm equipment. He enjoys the outdoors as well as camping and fishing. Wesley is a very adventurous child who before diagnosis only slowed down to sleep. Since diagnosis, he has understandably been much less active but still shows signs of wild spunk, which his family loves! His mom says, “He is inspiring to watch as he tackles this journey to fight Leukemia.” She says, “We just signed up for the NEGU APP and we could not be more excited to be able to share extra encouragement in the fight against Leukemia.”
When he got his JoyJar, it was a huge surprise for Wesley! His Jar arrived the day before a long clinic visit so his mom packed the box and all of the contents in the bag they carry and presented it to him during the wait at Clinic. He was so excited to have received a package and began unpacking and playing with it immediately. He was able to interact with another boy in the lobby and play with some of the items included!
To Wesley and his family NEGU means, “It is really important to be supported by others. Just knowing that your family as a whole isn’t alone or forgotten is amazing.”
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