TeamNEGU Blog

SebastianWe are so honored to introduce our NEGU community to an amazing young man and courageous fighter, Sebastian. Sebastian is a pokemon guru and a chef in training (check out cooking with Sebastian and his yummy French toast casserole!) Sebastian is also an example of all things that represent bravery and resiliency.

Sebastian was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma in 2011. Over the past two years, Sebastian has undergone several bone marrow biopsies, a bone marrow transplant and recently underwent 20 rounds of radiation. But, however strong cancer thinks it might be, Sebastian continues to  show cancer that it has picked the wrong battle with the wrong guy. Sebastian has shown such bravery in his combat and continues to bounce back from treatments with his silly faces, his joyful laugh and his contagious spunky spirit.

SebastianSebastian is enjoying his summer with family and friends, loves watching movies with his big sis and of course, continues to further his expertise of Pokemon! Sebastian has inspired so many in his life–his family, his friends and fans. Sebastian’s mom tells us, “I can’t even count the ways he inspires me. He has helped me to completely rearrange my life priorities”

Please join us in sending Sebastian lots of encouragement and support from our NEGU community. You can visit Sebastian at Hope For Sebastian. Sebastian, we NEGU for you!!


