We NEGU for Aaliyah! - NEGU - Jessie Rees Foundation

TeamNEGU Blog

AaliyahNEGU Kid of the Week- Aaliyah!


This week we are honored to introduce our NEGU kid of the week, Aaliyah! 8 year old Aaliyah is a talented dancer, both in ballet and hip hop.She is a fun-loving girl who has a love for many things including drawing and reading

Aaliyah has been courageously fighting metastatic ewings sarcoma since August 15, 2013. Despite the difficult journey Aaliyah has had to travel down with fighting an inoperable tumor on her pelvis and 7 smaller tumors in her lungs, Aaliyah is determined to beat cancer once and for all.  “Both her strength and spirit have been an encouragement to everyone surrounding her. She has endured numerous tests, blood draws, anesthesia and tests. She just recently lost her hair as well and she has remained positive through it all. Although she is currently unable to walk she has been fighting with everything in her to maintain her independence and swears she will be up and walking again!”- Aaliyah’s mom. 

Aaliyah has a huge heart and a passion for helping other kids in treatment with her. She gives so much encouragement to other kids and is an inspiration to so many. “She, on her own, has told me that she will not let cancer win and she intends to win this battle. She recently met other children that are going through cancer treatments and has promised to support them. She has the love and support of her family and I (Mom) intend to be there EVERY step of the way! Aaliyah continues to think of others even during all of this. She loves to make personalized thank you cards and hand them out to anyone who helps. Although she is unable to walk for extended periods of time and is in a lot of pain, she is bound and determined to begin walking again. She gets up and walks with her walker on a daily basis, we are looking forward to physical therapy. She has maintained such a positive attitude throughout all this and I am just amazed by her!- Aaliyah’s mom. 

Aaliyah, your courage and strength are an inspiration to all of us and we are honored to be part of your support and encouragement team so that you have all the fuel you need for this courageous fight. Aaliyah, We NEGU for you! Team NEGU, please join us in sending Aaliyah tons of notes of encouragement and joy at Aaliyah’s Fight Against Ewings Sarcoma

Would you like to nominate your courageous fighter as a NEGU kid? You can do so here!