TeamNEGU Blog

The University of California at Santa Cruz’s Genomics Institute has been awarded $2.5 million grant to start genomic research into the causes and treatments of childhood cancers.

The 2.5 million dollar grant will go to UCSC’s Treehouse Childhood Cancer Initiative, which uses genomics and informatics to study pediatric cancers. The Treehouse Initiative was established to enable various institutions to share their data on pediatric patients enrolled in genomic medicine clinical trials, and to assemble large datasets of both pediatric and adult cancers. 

Six researchers will work with UCSC throughout the process to study the genomics of pediatric cancers, Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Stanford University, Pacific Pediatric NeuroOncology Consortium, the Pediatric Personalized Oncogenomics Program of British Columbia, the Peds Mi-OncoSeq Program at the University of Michigan Cancer Center, and the Molecular Guided Therapy in Neuroblastoma at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.


Congratulations to UCSC, we look forward to hearing more and putting an end to this horrible disease called cancer as this process continues!!


