TeamNEGU Blog

With a head injury that could’ve ended his career, quarterback Travis Wilson had a life changing experience at Nike’s Elite 11 training camp. 


While participating in the Elite 11 football training camp, Wilson met Jordan Palmer who is very involved with the Jesse Rees Foundation. Wilson had the opportunity to meet Courageous Kids and was instantly inspired and transformed by the experience. He says his work with the Jessie Rees Foundation, gives him an added dimension of confidence and peace.

“I think the biggest thing for me is to give somebody else joy and give somebody else happiness, it really gives me happiness in my own life,” Wilson said. “And that just helps me be more confident.” Wilson has helped host a number of experiences for Courageous Kids fighting cancer, including the experience of a young man last season, who was an honorary captain for the team!

Wilson’s involvement in the Jessie Rees Foundation gave his desire to help children a focus and purpose.


We NEGU for you, Travis! Thank you for encouraging Courageous Kids fighting cancer to NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!!!!


Read more here!

