You know those stories where someone slides into 2nd and breaks a bone and when they do an x-ray, they find the giant tumor that nobody knew about? That’s how Tori’s story started. At the beginning of the summer of 2017, she was finally tall enough to go down the slide at the city pool, but not really meaty enough, so when she said her back hurt after several times down the slide, her mom told her to give her back a break and stop going down the slide.
Over the summer, her back got better and they took a 5,000 mile car trip and she and her sister ran on beaches and hiked trails. In the last week of July, the pain started waking her up at night and they made 3 visits to their pediatrician in 2 weeks and he quickly ordered an MRI. Her mom says, “We were so blessed. Tori’s doctor ordered the MRI on Tuesday, it was conducted at 4:00 Friday afternoon, and our doctor called us from his home at noon on Saturday, after he had already been on the phone with a neurosurgeon from Children’s Mercy. Her surgery was the following Tuesday.”
Tori was diagnosed with ATRT. Following surgery, radiation, and chemo with bone marrow treatment, they knew that this something that isn’t done. Although her prognosis is good, there is always that sliver of fear in the back of the mind. Her mom says, “Never Ever Give Up means that we keep following the instructions of those who have walked this path before us. We continue to pray and to trust the God has heard our prayers. It means that sometimes we will make decisions and do things for today that will aid us in our journey ahead. Tori and her sister were excited to unpack the jar and were very happy with all the fun things it contained.”
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