TeamNEGU Blog

V Foundation

“Don’t Give Up . . . Don’t Ever Give Up!”—- Jim Valvano 1946-1993

A family man, an athlete with a vision, an inspirational coach and ESPN commentator, Jim Valvano was known to so many as a man of action–a man of the people. After being told he had one year to live due to a diagnosis of Metastatic Adenocarcinoma, Valvano wanted ensure something good came out of this devastating news. He spent the final ten months of his life giving the world personal insights into the life of a cancer patient in the hope that he could bring some attention to the disease that affects millions.The V Foundation for Cancer Research continues to be guided by the legacy of one man that refused to give up. The Foundation embraces Jim’s call for action, his love of people, and the courage that enabled him to find hope even in despair. Jim Valvano remains an enduring example of the timeless influence that one individual can have in this world.

The V Foundation has awarded more than $100 million to more than 100 facilities nationwide and proudly awards 100% of direct donations and net event proceeds to cancer research. According to the V Foundation’s 2012 annual report, from 1994-2012, 496 grants have been given totaling $101,391,054, including the 10 grants for pediatric cancer research totaling $13,159,000

The V Foundation has a strong presence in the scientific community. The Foundation is guided by an elite, all-volunteer Scientific Advisory Board who recommends the research projects funded. This Board is comprised of top physicians and research scientists from prominent universities and cancer centers throughout the country. Working with this team of talented professionals, we are proud to carry out Jim’s vision for the future.

The V Foundation awards three types of grants.
The V Scholar Grant : provides funds directly to young scientists to establish their own independent laboratory.
The Translational Grant: facilitates the transition of projects from the laboratory to the clinic.
The Designated Grant: funds projects in communities or regions local to the fundraising area.

