TeamNEGU Blog

October 15, 2015

 I recently met with a wonderful mom who is interested in starting a foundation in her daughter’s name. During our visit, she said, “I just don’t know if I can do what you have done.”  I stopped her and said, “Please don’t compare your dreams to the dreams of others.”

     “The moment we start to compare ourselves with others,” I continued, “is the moment we begin to feel either prideful or weak.” Neither is good and both will drown out JOY in our lives.

     Do you ever find yourself falling into the “comparison trap”? If you are reading this I am sure that you have at some point – I know I do. But I have learned over the years to ask myself a simple question when I start down this path, “Why do I feel the need to compare myself to others?” For me, it often stems from my lack of contentment. If I’m not content with my life, my looks, my kids, my weight, my career, etc., I will never experience real lasting JOY. If I am not content, JOY will always be conditional in my life, which leaves me on a never-ending roller coaster.  

     However, when I truly take the time to pause and reflect on my “why” question, I’m able to stop the roller coaster and realize that down deep in my soul, that there is really no need to compare myself to anything or anyone. 

     If you are like me and find your levels of JOY impacted by comparing yourself to others you might want to ask yourself, “why are you?” The answer might not be that far away, which means JOY isn’t either. 


PS: Please feel free to use this link to schedule a time to connect with me.  I look forward to hearing from you –

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