The JoyDrop: Hold them. Fold them. Play them.

111 Last week marked the five-year mark when Stacey and I were told Jessie had cancer and there was no cure for her – news no parent should ever have to hear.  While I would give anything to have Jessie back, that simply isn’t in the cards.  Everyday I have a to decide what to do with “the cards I have”.  These cards represent my life…the positive and the painful.  There really are only three options.

  1. I could hold them and do nothing
  2. I could fold them and hope the pain goes away
  3. I can choose to play them

I believe everyone has the same choices with the cards they hold in their hands too.  We all hold cards marked with some level of pain… loss of job, divorce, addiction, illness or even loss of loved one.  I also believe that when people choose to “play” all of their cards two amazing things happen…

  1. People get help
  2. People gain hope

The more and more my family share our pain with other families in the trenches of childhood cancer it helps them not feel alone and gives them hope to keep fighting.  We also experience amazing hope back during these times that help us realize our pain wasn’t in vain. Please understand, we are all special people.  I have decided to play all of my cards and help others.  You too can play your cards.  Will you?  I truly hope so!  Think about one “painful” experience you have had and how it could be used to help someone and give them hope.  Then, start to find a way to “play it” for the benefit of others.   When you do…your life will never be the same! Cheering for you!

THANK YOU for your gift to help care until there is a cure!