TeamNEGU Blog

September 3, 2015

Like many families, this month we took our annual family vacation in an effort to step off the daily treadmill of life so we can refresh ourselves and spend great time together.  While these times can be somewhat emotionally challenging, due to not having Jessie with us, we always strive to “embrace the day”.  We have learned first hand that time is so precious and we must maximize today while it is in our control.  None of us are guaranteed tomorrow but I think we all take it for granted and believe it will be there waiting for us with a big “welcome” sign.

During the trip, one of our kids decided to have a little pity party because we weren’t doing exactly what they wanted.  If you have kids, I’m sure you have “been there…done that.”  There were no signs of “joy” in their attitude or actions.  There was a part of me that wanted to raise my voice and use the situation as some great teaching moment but we were on vacation so I decided to focus on their attitude instead of their actions, which seemed to work for the most part.

Later that night at dinner, we all sat around and talked about what we are grateful for in each other and in life.  We came up with lots of things we were truly grateful for.  I called it our “Mountain of Gratitude”.  We also talked about how much joy we feel in life when we are focusing on being grateful rather than selfish. While choosing an attitude of gratitude isn’t easy, it is essential to thrive (vs survive) at work, at home and in life.

I hope today you set aside a few minutes to mentally climb your Mountain of Gratitude in your life.   If you do, I bet you will find JOY waiting for you at the top.  

Enjoy the climb…



PS: Please feel free to use this link to schedule a time to connect with me.  I look forward to hearing from you –



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