TeamNEGU Blog

The Importance of Social Responsibility

June 11, 2020

Jessie’s Daddy, Erik, got a chance to sit down with our friend Bart Asner, Executive VP at Optum and CEO of Monarch HealthCare to chat about Corporate Culture and how Social Responsibility plays a part in his organization.“It’s such a love and a passion for everyone; from my employees’ perspective but also from the other executives from my company who I have introduced to the Jessie Rees Foundation. Every one of them has a passion for what the foundation does and it’s something that has given tremendous meaning to the words social responsibility. I think every executive should become familiar with what your foundation does and not only the value that it brings to families and children fighting cancer but also the value it brings to our own organization and employees.”

To hear more about what Bart had to share, take a look at this virtual interview Erik hosted.