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In 2018, 16-year-old Taylor was a healthy teenager excited to get started in her junior year of high school. After a week of flu-like symptoms just before school started, her parents decided to take her to the doctor. It was a whirlwind, and within minutes of being there her primary doctor decided to do some blood-work. After about an hour, Taylor was diagnosed with leukemia and admitted to the hospital.
The next morning, they were told it was T-cell ALL and over the next few days Taylor had a port put in and started on chemotherapy. Through it all, Taylor has kept a positive outlook and was the most upset when told she wouldn’t be going to school or able to be part of “Jam Session” at school for the year. Taylor has been positive, smiling and always so thankful to her medical team.
Taylor has had some ups and downs, and several hospital stays due to walking pneumonia and mucositis. When hospitalized over Thanksgiving, she told her family “we still have a lot to be thankful for” and celebrated with a nice Thanksgiving meal her mom made and brought to her hospital room.
Taylor’s mom told us that “Through her battle with cancer, when people tell her she is so positive and inspiring, her response is that there’s just no point in being sad and upset, that life gives you some good and some bad things and you just have to love each day to the fullest.”
One of Taylor’s favorite hobbies is baking, especially sugar cookies that she enjoys decorating and giving to others. She recently finally felt good enough to make a batch of her amazing sugar cookies for all of her nurses, doctors and even the men who valet park the car when she has appointments.
To Taylor and her family, NEGU is a reminder to always be a fighter and to face each day with bravery and also with a smile. Knowing that a sweet little girl [Jessie] started this during her own battle is a reminder to always treat others with kindness and find something good in each day.
Taylor got her first JoyJar in the clinic during treatment. She knew that her younger brother would love it so she asked if she could bring one home for him. Her and her brother both loved having this jar jam-packed with fun toys and little notebooks. There was so much stuff, they both said it was like never ending surprises!
Her mom said, “Seeing how important it is to pay it forward, keep the message going that kids going through this horrible battle need all the love and support possible has been a big part of why this foundation means a lot to us.”
We NEGU for Taylor!