TeamNEGU Blog

Introducing our Superhero NEGU fighter Wyatt! Wyatt is 4 years old and fighting hard with NEGU Kidssuperhero strength against Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

Wyatt tells us that NEGU means to him, “Never give up giving hugs” Wyatt also tells us he likes looking at pictures of all the NEGU kids.

Wyatt’s hero is spiderman and all superheros. One day Wyatt would like to be spiderman and save the day. He loves playing baseball and his favorite color is blue.

“Wyatt was diagnosed 2 days before his 3rd birthday.  He has endured more than any kid should in his short life.  However, he continues to worry about others.  He loves his sister, Grace, dearly.  He worries about her when she has to go to the doctor because he doesn’t want her to get “poked”.  He doesn’t complain about his clinic visits. In fact, he prides himself on being stronger and “braver” each visit.  He’s our family’s HERO!!!!”- Wyatt’s mom.

