TeamNEGU Blog

Super Strong Childhood Cancer FighterMeet our Super Strong NEGU Fighter Grace! Grace is 9 years old and has been very courageously fighting medulloblastoma since she was 6 years.  Grace has undergone 31 radiation treatments, 6 months of high dose chemotherapy and other surgeries resulting from side effects of the tumor.

Grace tells us that NEGU means- to be strong and stay positive. NEGU is a daily message of encouragement for her to Never Ever Give Up.

Grace would like to world to know that “My mommy and daddy named me Grace and they always tell me I am Amazing Grace for how strong I am. I missed almost two years of school, I had to do second grade again, I miss my friends, but I made new friends. I like to play outside when it is not too hot or too cold.”

Grace loves her dog Holly, playing on her ipad, Selena Gomez, playing the WII and XBOX, swimming and coloring. Her favorite colors are purple and yellow.

Grace’s hero is Jaclyn Murphy with the Friends of Jaclyn Foundation. Jaclyn had the same brain tumor as Grace. She is now 9 years out and in her first year of college!

If you would like to visit our super strong NEGU Fighter, Grace you can visit her Facebook page: Prayers for Grace