Solomon is a spunky 3 year old boy who has a huge heart and brings a smile to everyone he meets. He loves music, motorcycles, super heroes and animals and like many other three year olds, he loves playing with friends and being outdoors.
On April 1st, 2018 Solomon was diagnosed with High Risk B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He will have 3 1/2 years of treatment to complete. When Solomon received his first JoyJar he was inpatient at the Children’s Hospital. He was having some major complications from the chemo and feeling really sick. His JoyJar completely uplifted his whole family and they got to watch the pure excitement as he took each item out of the jar. “He was thrilled. It was so sweet to see him handing out his special prizes to Annabell (6) and Oliver (8). It was exactly what we all needed at just the right time.”
“Somehow the JoyJars come at just the right time. They bring us together as a family to watch Solomon open them up and discover all of the fun things inside. We are so thankful for this program!”
Solomon’s mom says, “He is the youngest of our three kiddos and an absolute joy. Before he was born, Solomon suffered a stroke and was diagnosed with epilepsy as a baby. He is a true warrior and continues to amaze us each day!”
To him and his family, NEGU means “Even though it’s hard, we will stick together and keep on fighting!”
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