Cece (Cecelia) was diagnosed on June 26th, 2018 with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Her outlook is very positive but it hasn’t been an easy road for this 4 year old girl. She is 3 months into treatment which will last around 2.5 years total. Cece started showing signs of the illness is April but wasn’t diagnosed until the end of June. She saw multiple doctors with two ER trips which were repeatedly written off as “growing pains”. Her mom says, “As a parent I was very frustrated because I knew something wasn’t right but I had a hard time getting any doctors to take me seriously. She had a limp, was pale, constant fevers, pain in various body parts, night sweats, loss of appetite and lost a drastic amount of weight by the time she was referred to Hematology/Oncology at the Cleveland Clinic. Listen to your instinct, if you feel something isn’t right with your child do not give up. I cannot tell you the amount of doctor’s that told me she was fine, while I knew in my heart she wasn’t. One doctor even made a joke that “At least is wasn’t leukemia!” That moment constantly replays in my mind. Once Cece started treatment we noticed changes immediately. This disease affects the whole family and is definitely a marathon, not a sprint and any support, or joy, given is greatly appreciated.”
Cece loves to paint! She likes doing puzzles, playing with barbies, make-up, nail polish and she loves Paw Patrol and PJ Masks. She misses riding her bike, playgrounds, story time at the library and places like Chuck E. Cheese. She also loves animals and is obsessed with her two cats and her family. Her mom told us,“The Jessie Rees Foundation has helped us in our darkest hour. Getting a cancer/leukemia diagnosis for your child is devastating. Your world stops, and is never the same again. Your life is forever split into before and after diagnosis, everything changes. You are given a new life that no one asks for or wants. The Jessie Rees Foundation gave my family hope when we needed it most.”
When Cece gets a JoyJar in the mail, her mom tells us she is always so excited, “Cece loves getting mail, especially packages. She tears into them and loves all the goodies inside. The jar definitely gives my little princess joy and we are so thankful.”
Her braveness and resilience never stops amazing her family and friends. She inspires us, her whole family – and the NEGU Nation! Her and all Courageous Kids fighting cancer are true inspirations with their courage and strength.
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