We are honored to bring so much joy to kids fighting cancer all over the world. It is all because of YOU! 

Impact Report (2024+)

Enjoy seeing the impact people like you are allowing us to make locally, nationally and globally.



2024 Impact Report 

NEGU Magazines (2013-2023)

Enjoy seeing the impact people like you are allowing us to make locally, nationally and globally.

NEGU Nation Vol. 10

NEGU Nation Vol. 10

2023 12 Year Anniversary Report 

NEGU Nation Vol. 9

NEGU Nation Vol. 9

2022 11 Year Anniversary Report 

NEGU Nation Vol. 8

NEGU Nation Vol. 8

2021 10 Year Anniversary Report (EXPANDED EDITION) 

NEGU Nation Vol. 7

NEGU Nation Vol. 7

2020 10 Year Anniversary Report 

NEGU Nation Vol. 6

NEGU Nation Vol. 6

2019 Impact Report 

NEGU Nation Vol. 5

NEGU Nation Vol. 5

2018 Impact Report 

NEGU Nation Vol. 4

NEGU Nation Vol. 4

2017 Impact Report 

NEGU Nation Vol. 3

NEGU Nation Vol. 3

2016 Impact Report 

NEGU Nation Vol. 2

NEGU Nation Vol. 2

2015 Impact Report 

NEGU Nation Vol. 1

NEGU Nation Vol. 1

2014 Impact Report 

Order JoyJars For Your Care Center

Thank you so much for all the amazing work you do to help courageous kids fighting cancer Never Ever Give Up! You and your team inspire us so much and we are so grateful to spread joy with you. 
Kids fighting cancer with their JoyJars

Shipping Information

No P.O. Boxes Please

Contact Information

Secondary Contact Information

Joy Pack Request Information

JoyPack Customization
If you would like to customize your JoyPack, please designate the number of JoyJars you need based on gender and age of kids who will be receiving them. 

Financial Reports

The Jessie Rees Foundation is committed to remaining financially transparent as we work to continue our efficiencies in raising and maximizing funds. We are proud to report that in 2023, the percentage of funds used directly for programs was 88%, while the percentage spent on administrative and fundraising expenses was 12%. We will continue look for ways to maximize our efficiencies as we deliver the gift of hope, joy and love to kids fighting cancer all over the world.

The Jessie Rees Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)3 organization, IRS identification number 45-1836440. Donations made to the Jessie Rees Foundation are tax deductible in the U.S. 


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