TeamNEGU Blog

We are so grateful for the amazing support of Team NEGU–that’s you–all of you wonderful supporters, followers and fans who continue to help us care, support and encourage courageous fighters around the world to Never Ever Give Up. All of you make a difference and all of you better the lives of children fighting cancer by letting them know that they have a world of support behind them.

Joy Drive


One of our amazing supporters Mandy, recently set out to rally her community together in support of kids fighting cancer. It wasn’t until childhood cancer entered into her own family that Mandy learned about the devastating realities of childhood cancer. In search for information, support and resources, Mandy learned about the Jessie Rees Foundation and Jessie’s legacy of hope, love and encouragement for children fighting cancer.





After seeing how much her niece loved her JoyJar, Mandy knew that so many other kids fighting cancer could benefit from that same experience of joy. Mandy wanted to help and soon became a member of the Jessie Rees Foundation’s JoySquad and encouraged everyone around her to do the same. Mandy didn’t stop there–recently Mandy joined together with her colleagues and professional leadership team–Class of 2013 from the North San Antonio Chamber Leadership Lab for a Joy Drive in their own “mini Joy Factory”. Mandy’s employer, SWBC, opened up a large training room in which Mandy and her team collected and bagged over 68 bags hospital approved toys and games to be sent to the Joy Factory Headquarters for lots of JoyJar stuffing!




Mandy and the Class of 2013, North San Antonio Chamber Leadership Lab we are so grateful for your “heart-work”. You are the reason we can continue to spread more joy and encouragement to children fighting cancer around the world. You are the reason we can can continue to fulfill Jessie’s wish of encouraging all kids fighting cancer to NEGU-Never Ever Give Up! Thank you!

