TeamNEGU Blog


Getting NEGU Nation involved in Jessie’s mission worldwide is our goal. It is always exciting when we are able to see smiles because of your efforts!

The Carden Academy in Mission Viejo, California, participated in our Compassion Change fundraising program. The academy’s program director led the way with her passion to share Jessie’s story with everyone she knew. The walls of the hallways were covered in Jessie’s sweet smile, and each classroom started the morning by collecting change to help fund more JoyJars for kids fighting cancer. After their month long fundraising efforts, this 14 classroom school was able to fund 185 JoyJars to kids fighting cancer with $3,700. We were amazed by the commitment and passion towards Jessie’s goal. 

The Compassion Change program is quite simple; we have found that collecting dimes in a 16 oz water bottle will accumulate to $100. $100 allows us to send 5 JoyJars to kids fighting cancer. This program is perfect for your family, friends or community group to get involved with and make a difference. We have recently seen Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, schools and other organizations rallying around this program to help us advance what Jessie started. 

As we left the Carden Academy, they said to us,

“It is our goal to use this as a stepping stone for our involvement with Jessie’s mission in the future. This is just the beginning.” – Program Director, Carden Academy

This program is a great stepping stone for fundraising and childhood cancer awareness. Join the Carden Academy in making a difference in the lives of kids fighting cancer. Every little bit makes a difference and together, NEGU NATION can help bring smiles to the faces of kids worldwide!

Thank you Carden for your incredible efforts! We are thankful for you! NEGU!