
This is a big month for the Jessie Rees Foundation! 

Along with Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and all the ways to #GoGold this September, we have a great opportunity to win a $50,000 grant from Festival of Children Foundation by participating in their NCAM Photobomb Challenge. But we need your help!

During September, you can upload your favorite photobomb photo to and select the Jessie Rees Foundation. If we are the first charity to win an “Indi Buzz” score of 500,000 we will win the $50,000 grant to spread more JOY to kids fighting cancer!

SPREAD THE WORD! This is where you can help:

  1. Upload your favorite photobomb to and select the Jessie Rees Foundation in your submission.

  2. Create “Indi Buzz” around your photo or video by sharing on your social media. The more likes, comments, reposts, etc, the more the score will GROW!!!

You can share as many photobombs as you want. Use #NCAMCHALLENGE when sharing to stay connected.

We hope you will take advantage of this great opportunity to help the Jessie Rees Foundation win $50,000 to help encourage more Courageous Kids fighting cancer to NEVER EVER GIVE UP!

Start the #NCAMChallenge NOW

Upload your photobomb here!
