TeamNEGU Blog

My Jessie Journal: Hi Sweet-Pea. I miss you so much and actually doing ok today. I celebrate that childhood cancer awarenessGod is giving me the strength to move forward one step at a time. I came to the realization my condition is my choice…like I didn’t already know that=). Just a new frame of thinking today that is about celebrating you, the day I have and the opportunity to share your story with others.

A TV station from Italy is coming to interview me and see the JoyFactory…wow! We also just got 40 more hospitals in London…wow! We also got a great spokesperson for our National NEGU PSA for September…wow! The manuscript for your book is almost ready to submit…wow! I spoke to 200 oncology nurses and they love you…wow! So today I celebrate YOU, the day I have and the opportunity to reach more kids with your love!

The pain in my soul is still there and my doctors are challenging me to take better care of myself so I can get rid of all of the “stress” I carry emotionally & physically. My neck & back is all tense and it’s time to release this stuff so I don’t live with the pain. This does not mean I don’t think of you every hour, miss your face, desire a hug, wish I could kiss you…just trying to find a better emotional state so I’m stronger for the road ahead. I’m sure there will be days ahead that hurt, sting and make me cry but today I choose to CELEBRATE!

I miss you tons…love you more and will see you in a wink!

