TeamNEGU Blog

My Jessie Journal (Week 25): Hi Sweet Pea…I hope Heaven is amazing and you are enjoying your healthy body, your new friends and your new room. I wish your room had one of those “nanny 538635_357410894325005_632722753_ncams” so I could just watch. What I would give to simply see you again.

Things here on earth are both good and bad…”bad” includes all of the new kids that have joined you the past 5 months. Cancer sucks and the cures are so slow. I’m so sorry you had to fight it so bad. That it robbed you of being a teen, going to prom, getting married and having kids. You would have been such an amazing mommy. It still amazed me that you never ever complained in the middle of your pain. Some say because you were an angel. I love that!!

I’m really anxious about Father’s Day…as you know I never had much of a dad and my only real goal in life was to be the best dad I could be. That is the only thing I still get mad at God about…taking away the opportunity to be you earthly daddy longer than He gave me. I’m so thankful Shaya & JT are here to “love on”. They miss you tons too. Mommy and I still hug and cry but then Mr. Moe comes and gives us love. I always think you are using him to let me know …”It’s ok daddy.”

I was and will always be so proud to be “Jessie’s daddy”. We gave ice cream to all the kids at Melinda Heights as a “thank you” for the 4,500 toys they collected for JoyJars and they said, “Hi. Jessie’s dad”…my heart melted!

The great stuff is YOU are constantly inspiring thousands of people to think of others first, live daily with the NEGU motto and help kids fighting cancer to Never Ever Give Up. Not to mention the 20,000 kids you have reached with your JoyJars in one year. A 6th grader at Melinda Heights talked about you in her graduation speech yesterday…so amazing. We are trying hard to get one “fan” for every “fighter” by September. We have about 100,000 to go. I will do everything I can to make that come true for you.

There are lots of other cool things happening that I can’t post about yet..let’s just say more and more people are getting behind your mission to help kids fighting cancer to Never Ever Give Up!!!

We are going to New York this summer for vacation and will be stopping by the stores and bakeries you had listed in your iPad. You loved food and fashion=). We will also bring something cool back for your room.

Jess…I love you! I miss you! I can’t wait to hug you!

xoxo, daddy
