TeamNEGU Blog

My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet-pea…miss you much…love you tons. Reminded this week of the 59656_423547057711388_688193651_nmassive movement of hope, joy and love you have started. It is growing daily all because you simply cared for others. You motivate me and countless others to provide constant care and encouragement to the world of pediatric cancer.

We are now in over 160 Children’s Hospitals…WOW! We are working on our holiday JoyJars and you will love them. Shaya and JT are finishing up school soon. It was hard to see some of your friends at an event thinking you should be there running, laughing and just being you.

I miss your smile so much. It would always make any day better. Just like in this picture…what a smile!!!

You make the world better and have clearly made mine amazing.

