TeamNEGU Blog

My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet-Pea! I miss you so much!!! It’s been 16 weeks since I last held you. Jessie and Erik Rees at Children's Hospital Orange CountyThis is not how I ever imagined it. You in Heaven and me here with a massive hole in my heart. The thought of waiting 40-50 more years to see you just makes each day longer. I know it’s just a “blink” but it seems so long. I just want you back. I just want to hold you again. I need you!!! We made a great team. Stuffing JoyJars with you was such a blast.

Here are 16 things I miss about you…1) your hugs 2) your smile, 3) your dimples 4) your tan skin 5) a massive heart of others 6) your butterfly kisses 7) your belly laughs 8) your spunky attitude 9) your trust in me to take care of you 10) your compassion for other 11) your “daddy, I love you.” 12) your love for sweets 13) your passion to make others feel good 14) your grace 15) your good night kisses and most importantly…16) your faith in God!!! You never ever complained and you trusted in God every step. Now I have to model it…”don’t complain but trust”.

Miss you much….love you tons!!! xoxo, daddy
