TeamNEGU Blog

My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet-Pea!!! Darn I miss you. It’s been a hard week for all of us. Saturday 299004_438537736212320_642944580_nbeing 1 year was super hard to except. Never thought I would have a child n Heaven before I got there. Thankfully over 1,500 of your fans posted NEGU notes and pictures to celebrate you. That was super encouraging to us. Then this week several other kids joined you. Makes my heart hurt for their families. Cancer is so mean.

Then I got this pic from church of you. My eyes just filled with tears of love the moment I saw it. My heart hurt because I missed you and it also was hopeful because you look so special praying. You loved God. You always loved to pray and made sure we prayed at dinner and before bed. It’s just a perfect picture of you. Beautiful and innocent. The hard part is my heart wants to hug you. I have learned many things about life, grief and myself the past 12 months….one being realizing “hugs” mean so much to me. You gave great hugs Jess. Shaya and JT do too. I also have leanred I love holding hands. The other day I held Shaya’s hand walking in the airport and it reminded me of you. You always looked to grab my hand no matter where we were. Shopping. Sitting on the couch. Walking. Wherever we were…you were there to hold my hand.

The cool thing is 178 people have signed up for your JoySquad. That means we can send that many JoyJars to kids each month. We hope to get to 500 by your birthday. We actually need to get to over 1,000 if we are going to send 50,000 more JoyJars this year. I just know we will figure it out Jess. We are also going to start our TeamNEGU Community Leader program so others around the would can play a more active role in supporting you mission. You are so loved Jess.

Please help the new kids that have joined you this week find their rooms. I know you will be looking for them. You always cared for others so much.

I miss you tons…love you more and will see you in a wink. I promise!!

hugs, loves and kisses,
