TeamNEGU Blog

Jessie Rees and Erik ReesMy Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet-Pea! I miss you. I love you. I can’t wait to see you. I think about you every day. I cry when I see your pics. I hurt when I think of those last hours with you. I get sad when mommy, Shaya and JT cry. I go into your room and sit and let the flood of great memories flash before my eyes. But then the movie stops with you being 12. I wanted so bad to see you grow up, teach you things about life, watch movies, eat goodies, encourage you with your goals, teach you to drive, see you graduate, see you go to college, get married, be an amazing mommy and make a big impact with your life. All of that was taken from us except “make a big impact with your life”. You continue to do that in 1,000’s of lives each day. You do in my life everyday!!

This week has been tough for me as we have seen so many new kids join you. My heart just hurts for these families. Then, I found out a friend from church is fighting a brain tumor and it’s winning. I hate cancer. I also had to find a new job after 15 years. Kind of a different place to be but God was faithful. He opened the door for me to serve staff/members and communities through the YMCA of Orange County as their new: Director of “the Y cares”. This is a new core program that stands for Christian Assistance Resources Education & Services. Now I can take my years in the fitness industry and years as a pastor and unite them. Kind of cool. The YMCA also wants to support kids fighting cancer. Did you know there are over 2,600 YMCA’s in the US? Maybe someday they could become community partners with us and help kids fighting cancer NEGU in their communities. That would be a great thing! In addition, they are totally cool with me volunteering on my free time at your foundation. This is such great news Jess! That means I can continue to be the Chief Encouragement Officer for the Jessie Rees Foundation…my favorite title=))).

Please keep praying for us down here. The roller-coaster of grief, loss, pain, joy, peace and hope continues to go “up & down” but the sharp painful turns seem to be less intense as I strive to focus on the future rather than looking back. I will make sure we encourage EVERY kid fighting cancer to Never Ever Give Up. That was your wish and all of us together will make it come true. I promise you!!!

I miss you much, love you tons and can’t wait to see you in a “wink”.

