TeamNEGU Blog

My Jessie Journal…Forever a Family!

Hi Sweet-Pea, it’s daddy. Kind of tired this morning. It has been a super busy (and fun) week at Nike for the Elite 11 QB camp. The courageous kids that came out to meet the players and coaches had a super time. Lots of smiles, which always remind us of you. We also visited two children’s hospitals and encouraged kids to NEGU with a few NFL players. This one nurse said, “I love JoyJars. We had them at the hospital I just came from in Arizona. They are the best gift ever.” That was super nice of her to say. One of the NFL players that went with us said, “That was soul therapy and I needed it.”

I also got to see my mom and uncle Sean and his family, which was nice. They all talked about you.

Speaking of family, last night was a hard one for us. We went to dinner at Cheesecake Factory and played this card game “Table Topics”. Some of the questions were…

What gets you excited in life?
What life lesson have you learned the hard way?
What do you wish you spent more time doing five years ago?
Describe your life in 6 words?
What is your biggest hurdle in life?

Every answer mommy, Shaya, JT and I had included you. As we answered the questions tears started to flow out of our eyes. People were looking at us but it didn’t matter…we just sat there as a family crying talking about you and missing you. We will always be a family of 5 no matter what.

We all think about, talk about, laugh about and cry about YOU! We miss you so much and we will do everything we can to reach every child fighting cancer as you asked.

Forever a family of 5!


