TeamNEGU Blog

My Jessie Journal…I miss you so much Sweet-Pea!!! As I sat down to write this morning Moe just 528035_370605993005495_1476026701_nwould not leave me alone so I decided I would write and let you know how he is doing.

I remember the day you found him on the Internet in Texas and you asked if you could use your money to get him. We already had two labs but seeing him and his pure white coat touched our hearts. How could mommy and I say “no” to you…of course we said. Next thing I know we are counting down the days until he boarded a plane and arrived in Orange County. We got to the location early because you were so eager to get him. You had your carrier ready and tons of toys for him. Then he arrived and you had a smile bigger and brighter than we had seen for months. The chemo had impacted your hair and the radiation you strength and sight but you hugged that little puppy so tight. Soon after we got him home he had his name…Mr. Moe. It fit him and his personality perfectly.

Then for the next few months you two were inseparable. Best buddies. He was always the first to greet you after treatment and laid by you for hours as you recovered from treatment. Then when you had energy you played with him in out of the pool. Then came the day you went to be with your Heavenly Father…he whined and whined. He knew something was wrong. Then after you left the house he searched and searched for hours to find you. It was so hard to watch. He could smell you but could not find you. Kind of like when I open your closet and smile your clothes…I can smell you but can’t touch you.

Jess, like Mommy, Shaya, JT and I…Moe misses you tons too. He still loves to go into your room and sniff. He lays down at night in the exact place you did your nightly devotional with mommy all those months. He still gives great kisses and loves to cuddle. He is trying to jump on my lap as I type. Almost like he wants to add his thoughts. He loves the pool and plays fetch with Nana & Papa for hours. Some days we wonder if we should train him to be a therapy dog and take him to love on the kids at CHOC. He just loves being around people.

We make sure he fits into your foundation and even has a page on your website. We are working on a version of Moe for your JoyJars…is looks really good. He is in each edition of “The Adventures of the NEGU Warriors” comic.

I love this picture of you two…true love.

I miss you, love you and can’t wait to see you Jess!!!


