TeamNEGU Blog

111I have always believed in the statement, “Leaders are learners.  The moment you stop learning you stop leading.” I have learned so much about childhood cancer and working in the nonprofit world the past four years. Sure, I have made mistakes along the way, but learning from them helps so much. Also learning from others – I love studying successful models and then seeing how they can apply to Jessie’s mission to help every child fighting cancer to Never Ever Give Up.

I thought I would share some of these learning’s with you over the next couple of weeks. I call them “Busters” and “Builders”. Busters are the things that limit growth and stifle great ideas. Builders are those things that are essential and provide the needed strength, support and strategy to grow. The bottom line is that there are only three stages an organization can be in…growing, maintaining or declining.

The goal should never be about being “bigger and bigger”.  Rather, your goal should be about becoming “better and better”.   Health should be your focus because all healthy things grow. Today I will discuss Busters and next time I will discuss Builders!

10 BUSTERS:: things to watch out for as you lead.

  • Mixed messages
  • Comparing your company with others
  • Accepting success overnight
  • Trying to be all things to all people
  • Worrying about asking for help 
  • Forgetting to appreciate celebrate the big and small victories
  • Limited delegation of roles and responsibilities
  • Low joy-factor
  • Under valuing your supporters
  • No intentional evaluation process

I hope you find these “Busters” helpful as you look to grow a healthy organization. Maybe you don’t lead one but know someone that does, pass this on to them. I look forward to sharing the Builders next time. Remember, NEVER EVER GIVE UP! 

Cheering for you!


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PS: How can we help you Never Ever Give Up? Please feel free to use this link to schedule a time to connect with me. I look forward to hearing from you –