JoyDrop: Let’s Not Be
Phone-y This Year


Phones have become like a drug to so many.  They simply can’t function without it and they spend hours a day staring at it more than their own family.   It’s so sad but true.  I’m sure you have been to a restaurant for dinner where you saw family members all looking at their phones rather than having conversation with each other.    

I’ve coined this type of parenting – “Phone-y.”  Like “phony,” but using “phone” within the word.  As parents we can’t truly have authentic relationships with our spouse and kids if we spend more time on our phone than with them.  

So will you commit to joining me and not using your phone at dinner with your family?  Just think how much stronger our relationships would be if we spent less time on our phones and more time talking to the people we love.  

Let’s do it!  You in?

I truly hope you will take this to heart so that together we can show our loved ones just how special they are to us!


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