TeamNEGU Blog

December 10, 2015

My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet Pea…it’s daddy! I love typing that every week I write to you. I so honored to be “your daddy”. I’m so thankful I got chosen to be the one dad that would hold you, love you, care for you, kiss you and be there for YOU!

This week I was watching the CNN Heros awards, which made me think back to when they shared made you the 2012 CNN Young Wonder! I love this picture of you…your smile, your eyes and the title…You have been one of only a handful of kids in the world recognized by CNN. WOW! That is so amazing Jess. Yes, I’m bragging on you which you never liked but I’m daddy so I’m going to.

When I think the word HERO…I think of someone that has chosen to Help Everyone by Reaching Out. That was you! You helped other kids fighting cancer in the middle of your own battle (or war) with cancer. Because of that, you are my HERO. Because of that, you have taught me to give away more than I will ever receive. Because of that, you have shown others that joy stuffed in a jar truly does cure a bad day. Because of that, kids fighting cancer are being encouraged the Never Ever Give Up!

I was trying to think of how it must felt to know your life was ending on earth but you still decided to focus on others. I hate to admit it but I don’t know if that would have been my reaction. I think know it would but 5 years ago…I might have wanted to golf as much as I could, vacation and much as I could and spend all my time with my family. I just don’t think I would have had the maturity to spend a few hours a day in a garage stuffing jars, packing boxes, making shipping labels and ordering toys. See that is why you are my HERO. You did the unexpected and because of that CNN awarded you. Great job Sweet Pea.

Remember when we use to search on Google for cool little pictures or phrases? I remember you loved looking for pictures of Peeps. I found one the other day that said…”Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks.” I loved that…it is so true. I can be in the strangest of places…think of you…and a memory will sneak out and roll down my cheek. It happened yesterday when I was waiting for Shaya at jury duty. I was parked next to a park and a dad was playing with his little girl. They were laughing, hugging and holding hands…all of the things I loved to do with you. Thirty seconds later I realize several of these memories has snuck out and headed down my cheeks. Dang I miss you!

Going to end here for today as one of those memories is trying super hard to get a few friends to roll down my cheeks right now.

Miss you tons…love you forever…see you in a wink. PROMISE!!!


