My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet Pea, it’s daddy! I just got home from four days in New Jersey working with this super compassionate company that wants to stuff JoyJars with their employees this year. During all of the meetings people talked about how they loved JoyJars and were so thankful to be able to stuff them. Yesterday during a lunch with one of the leaders, I was asked…“Tell me about Jessie”. There I was crying into my lunch as I shared about your love for church, school, swimming, friends and ultimately those kids that couldn’t leave the hospital. I shared about how you loved collecting those tiny bottles of catchup and other sauces from hotel rooms. You were so fascinated by how small they were. I’m so proud to be your daddy Jess!!!
I sure wish I could get a note from you and you could tell me the things you are doing in Heaven. It would be so great if there was a way to send notes to each other=). That’s just a daddy’s heart longing to hear, touch, and laugh with his Sweet Pea. Someday…someday!!!
Mommy and Shaya are in San Diego today and tomorrow at a conference for nurses. They will be sharing about JoyJars and all of our programs in hopes we can reach more kids fighting cancer and encourage them to Never Ever Give Up! They love talking about you too.
Sunday will be a hard day for mommy due to Mother’s Day…it’s one of those days that you stay strong for Shaya and JT but inside you soul cries out. I love this picture of you two. It reminds me of how mommy NEVER left your side for those ten months and two days. She was always there for you. She misses you so much Jess. If you can, please visit her in her dreams. I know she would love that.
Time to take JT to school.
Miss you so much…love you tons more…see you in a wink! Promise!!!