My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet Pea, it’s daddy! I miss you so much!!!! It’s been a tough week here as one of our Courageous Kids became a Courageous Hero and joined you in Heaven. He fought for so long and gave so much but in the end cancer won on earth. Cancer can’t win in Heaven, which is the best news ever!!! It just continues to find ways to invade loving homes and leave a wake of grief that seems to never stop crashing in. The “cure” people need to find cures now.
I have the honor of officiating his celebration of life service in a few days. I’m so thankful I can help families in their darkest time of need and honor their child by helping with the service. No service is ever the same because no child is ever the same. The hard part about this service is it looks like it will be back in the same space your service was in. That will bring back a flood of emotions standing in the same space when I welcomed the people to your service when I welcome the people to his service.
Jess, please make sure you find this young boy and make sure he finds many friends and has a wonderful time in Heaven while his parents are brother start to ride the rollercoaster called “grief”. Thank you so much!!!
You know what is in 2 days? Yep, your 8th annual NEGU gala. I can’t believe it is number eight. The same amazing lady that you met back in 2011 to plan our 1st gala is producing this one. She actually has produced all eight with love, care and inspiration. This year we are back at the Disneyland Hotel Grand Ballroom and have over 750 people coming…that is a lot of people. We are going to be streaming live on Facebook so all of NEGU Nation can join in.
In honor of Mr. Moe we have the most adorable chocolate lab puppy for the live auction. I can’t wait to see who gets to take him home. He is such a cuddle buddy. His current name is “Chip” for Chocolate Chip…so fun!
As we have been writing the gala script, it’s been super fun having Shaya and JT taking on bigger speaking part this year. They both wanted to and we need them too. It’s my goal that by the 10th gala they speak more than I do=). At some point in time, mommy and I have to pass the torch and Shaya and JT would be amazing at carrying on your legacy with the same drive, compassion, dedication and conviction as mommy and I. I hope you agree…LOL!
Jess, please have some Angels of health visit me please…I have had this nasty head/chest cold for over a week and I need it to go away by Saturday at 5pm when the gala starts. I just feel crappy and I need to feel happy and energetic. So please send as many as you can for me. I’m really tired and tired of coughing. Thank you so much Sweet Pea!
Well it’s time to get JT up and ready for school. I miss you so much, I love you tons more and I can’t wait to see you in a “wink”…