My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet Pea, it’s daddy! Love you so much!!! Happy to report I’m having a great week and feel so blessed to be your daddy and help so many kids/families impacted by childhood cancer in your name. We get so many notes, emails, pictures and videos saying “thank you”…all because of you!!! WOW…what a gift you left us with Jess!
As you can tell by the picture I wanted to share about your not so little brother, JT, today. He is 16 now, taller than me and making the world a better place too. Today is his last final for his sophomore year…he is so excited to be finished and heading into summer. What teenage isn’t…LOL.
Last Monday we attended his swimming banquet and JT was voted “Most Inspirational” for the 2nd year. We were so proud of him. I told him, out of the 10 awards they give out…Most Inspirational, is the one I would want any of my kids to win. To be inspirational means way more than being a “cheer leader”…it means you propel others to be their best with words and deeds.
After the banquet we took JT out to dinner where we talked about you and your foundation. There are some challenges we are facing and it was so inspiring to hear your brother want to protect you, your name and your legacy. He is going to be a great leader of your foundation with Shaya someday. I can’t wait to see both of them lead, protect and honor you=).
Jess, it’s been over six years since you moved to Heaven but you inspire mommy, JT, Shaya and I every day. You will always be “most inspirational” to our family!!!
Miss you so much…love you tons more…see you in a wink! I PROMISE!!!!