My Christmas Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet Pea…it’s daddy! It’s Christmas morning and I’m missing you. Last night JT and I watched videos of our last Christmas together and we both cried and hugged. He remembered it like yesterday…he misses you like all of us SO much!!!
We went to Christmas services last night at church and I was doing fine until we sang “Silent Night” and the words “sleep in Heavenly peace” came on the big screens. Then I thought to myself…you “sleep in Heavenly peace” now. I so wish I could enjoy “Heavenly peace” but that is only for those in Heaven. Sounds amazing and truly restful.
Today marks our 7th Christmas without you physically. You are ALWAYS with us in spirit and I’m so thankful for that!!! We can’t post pictures of that time due to what cancer was doing to your body but you still were able to make a half smile and enjoy opening gifts.
You all must have the best birthday party for Jesus today in Heaven. I can’t wait to enjoy those celebrations with you someday. In just a few days will be you Heaven Day…it feels like yesterday in so many ways and it feels much longer in other ways.
I think of all of the families that have joyful memories of their children today and also a ton of emotions as they long to be the family they once had. I have no idea why “cancer” every existed and I hate it with every bone in my body. Someday the smart people will find cures…they have to! The world is full of amazing smart doctors who have the skills to figure this out. I truly hope it comes in my life time. I would love nothing more than to tell you when I see you in Heaven…cancer was cured!
Time to get ready to open Christmas presents with mommy, Shaya, JT, nana, papa, Kimmy and Uncle T.
Merry Christmas Jess…LOVE YOU!
xoxo, daddy