My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet Pea, it’s daddy! We have had such a great time celebrating your 20th birthday this last week. We stuffed 2,000 JoyJars with over 400 volunteers last Friday and Saturday. We then teamed up with this compassionate company and stuffed 1,250 more JoyJars at their sales conference in Las Vegas on Monday. Due to Monday being your official birthday they even made hundreds of cupcakes to celebrate you. They were so yummy! To cap off the celebration, NEGU Nation rallied on Monday and raised over $3,000 so we can stuff and send out more JoyJars. Such an amazing celebration Jess!!! You are so loved by so many!!!
It was also fun having Uncle T and Aunt Kimmy in town to celebrate YOU! They love you so much and miss you tons too. One of them was always here during your ten month and two day fight. I love this picture of you three. It was taken at the beach right after we were told you had cancer. Uncle T and Aunt Kimmy flew in from Denver right away so they could be with you. Simply the best aunt and uncle EVER!
Today mommy and Shaya travel to Chicago to host an exhibit booth at the Child Life Conference. They will help educate the attendees on JoyJars, ClubNEGU, iNEGU and our Memory Canvas programs. They love sharing about you and how our free programs really do help kids, super sibs and parents NEGU.
Jess, thank you again for leaving us with an assignment…we love spreading joy, helping kids smile and families feel loved. I need to get ready to take JT to school. I miss you tons…love you so much and can’t wait to see you in a “wink”.