TeamNEGU Blog

My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet Pea…It’s daddy…I love you so much and miss you so often. I still can’t believe you are gone…I was reminded of this Monday night at the 4th Annual NEGU Golf Classic where over 300 people watched you talk on video and hear your story. It’s always bittersweet for all of us to hear you talk…”bitter” because of the pain is causes…”sweet” because we miss you so much and hearing your voice is so special. Over all it was a great night…everyone got a signed copy of your new book…I truly hope they read it and get inspired to make a positive change in their world like you did. Oh sorry…like you still are=). I love this pic from the 1st tournament we did.

Many people came up to me and said very positive things about you…she is so beautiful, what a heart of compassion…Jessie inspired me tonight. Unfortunately, one of the participants said to me…”I’m so sorry, the loss of your daughter must be such an unwanted burden on you.” Maybe it came out wrong and maybe he was trying to be nice but I told him YOU are NOT a burden…you are a blessing Jess. A burden is something that is super heavy and slows you down…you don’t slow me down Jess…you speed me up to reach more kids fighting cancer. I will never equate you being in Heaven to a “burden”…never! I count it an amazing blessings to be your daddy and help support children/families impacted by childhood cancer in your name.

I will forever miss your smile, your hugs, your laugh, your blue eyes, blond hair, tan skin, compassionate heart and amazing faith. You truly inspire me everyday sweet pea to make the world a little better!

I know in my head you are “ok” but some days my heart drifts from the truth and aches with fear of never seeing you again…I know that is not right but it happens. Not to often but from time to time…thankfully I have learned to recalibrate my heart and head with God’s hope whenever this happens. Rest assured Jess you are and never will be a burden to me…only a blessings!!!

Miss you tons, love you more…see you in a Wink!

