TeamNEGU Blog

October 29, 2015

My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet Pea…it’s daddy…I love calling you my Sweet Pea! No matter if you are no longer physically in our home…I will always call you Sweet Pea and you will forever be my Sweet Pea.

Halloween is coming…I know you never really lived the “spooky” side of it…but you never complained about getting lots of candy=))). I know I have posted this pic of you many times but those eyes and that smile will forever be seared into my soul. I remember the year after you moved to heaven and I was taking JT out to get some candy. As we were getting ready to step off the curb and cross the street reached back to grab your hand and said “look both ways Jess”. Thankfully JT grabbed my hand and just gave it a little extra squeeze. He know I had made a mistake but didn’t do anything but squeeze my hand. This year JT and his buddies are going out and don’t want a parent with them. I might trail him at a distance but don’t tell him ok! I’m sure he will be ok and have lots of fun.

Speaking of fun, next week we start making the 10,000 special edition holiday JoyJars for the kiddos that will spend the holidays in the hospital. They are going to almost 200 Children’s Hospitals in nearly every state and three countries. So thankful we get to send a special boost of joy to these kids during a super tough time…like someone recently told me…”Erik, you don’t cure cancer…you cure bad days!” That is so true…we do cure bad days all because of you Jess!

To help cure more bad days, we will be introducing some new “teen boy” and “teen girl” JoyJars next year. The boys jar will have a “skateboard” theme and the girls “fun fashion”. We are also starting to think about a fun “wild wild west” theme for our Summer Fun JoyJars. Not quite sure what will go in them…just starting to brainstorm. I would so love for you to send me some ideas…maybe just whisper them to me. I would really enjoy hearing your voice!

Well I told myself I’m not going to cry today so it’s time to stop writing and getting ready for work. I love you Sweet Pea…more than words will ever be able to truly describe. I miss you tons and will continue to blow you night-time kisses before bed. I hope each of them reach you!


