TeamNEGU Blog


My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet Pea, it’s daddy! I know I tell you this every day but I miss you so much. Trying to find this thing they call a “new normal” is so hard when your heart has a massive hole in it. We are all trying so hard to make your wish come true and keep the joy flowing out of the JoyFactory. Our goal is still 10,000 holiday JoyJars this fall for all of those kids that spend the holidays in a hospital room. I remember when we had our last Christmas with you in 2011 in Colorado you were still talking about the kids not being in their homes. Your heart was so full of joy and love at such a young age.

We are heading to New York this weekend for the JoyJam and look forward to meeting new people who want to help us spread hope, joy and love in the North East in your name. We also have a team on the “Maine to Maryland” NEGU tour right now visiting kids in the six hospital. Yesterday they went to the Hasbro Children’s Hospital and the kids loved their JoyJars filled with great Hasbro toys.

The following week we have our 5th Annual NEGU Golf Classic. I can’t believe it’s been five years. It feels like yesterday. You were there! You helped plan it! You greeted each golfer! You thanked each golfer! You inspired so many! This year we are tapping two amazing courageous kids to be our Jr. Ambassadors to fill in for you. One of them you knew personally and went to chemo with. The other is just as amazing and knows everything about you and represents what you stood for in incredible ways. I can’t share their names because it’s a secret=)) You loved secrets!

Our 30 Days of Joy campaign has raised over $5,000 so far. I hope people continue with their commitments so we reach our $30,000 goal by the end of the month. I love the word “joy” so much…reminds me of you every time!

Another big thing that happened this week was your sweet big sister Shaya started college. WOW! I’m getting old=). Like you, I’m so proud of her. She has found her passion with interior design at 18 and following it into college. That is so great! I spent years helping people in their 40’s that hated there jobs…so being 18 and finding your passion is so great. In honor of her I included this great picture of you too. You were the best of friends…Shaya misses you so much sweet pea!

Today in my weekly email inspiration called The Joy Drop, I talked about you and the power of smiles. You had the best smile and could make me and many others smile big. Dang, I miss your smile!

I told myself I’m not going to cry today…so to honor that I’m going to sign off!

I miss you so much…I love you tons more…I will see you in a wink! Promise!

