
My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet Pea, it’s Daddy! We miss you so much. Today marks 2,219 days since we last touched and talked. It’s amazing how life boils down to those two things…touching and talking. Two things no one can go without…two things you were amazing at. 

You loved talking and you loved to touch…hold hands, cuddle on the couch, give hugs and smile like nothing else. Your smile still hugs my heart daily. Whenever I think about those last 5 hours with you…I search my phone or the house for a picture of your smile. Your room is full of them. I wish I could erase those last hours but it has helped me help other parents scared to watch their child pass. Whenever I miss your hugs I ask JT, Shaya and Mommy for one. We have a family of great huggers=))).  

This picture was taken by one of Shaya’s friends and I love it as we were told to “hug you”….just imagine you are in the middle of this big family hug!!!

I think we all learned how to give great hugs from Mommy. She is the best!!! Like me, mommy misses you tons and tons. She is the best mommy around. While she misses you…she gives and gives to Shaya and JT. They always say the most important parts of your body you can’t see is your heart. Mommy is the most important part of our family…she is the heart, soul, glue that holds us together. She may not be as visible as daddy on Facebook but she is so “valuable” to our success. She has amazing gifts that I don’t so we make a great team. It hurts my heart when people question mommy’s involvement. We all have a purpose and she is fulfilling hers as the greatest “mommy and bride”. 

Shaya and JT miss you tons too…we all have some good days and some not so good days. Shaya misses having a little sister to due her nails with…while JT misses his Lego buddy. You two always made the greatest Lego creations. Maybe someday Lego will donate to your JoyJars….that would be super cool.

Speaking of JoyJars, we are super close to finishing up our new Safari themed jar with some really cool toys. We are also finishing up 4 new boosts of JOY for kids that kick off on your birthday. I can’t wait to announce these new fun toys all dedicated to making sure kids are reminded to NEGU. We are also going to stuff 1,900 JoyJars on your 19th Birthday this year…so fun!!! We actually might spread it over two days as 19 hours of stuffing is a little long for people to commit to. Don’t worry…we will celebrate and we will stuff all in honor of you Sweet Pea!!!!

We loved into our new JoyFactory last Friday. Your sister did such an amazing job making the space look so great. So many wonderful contractors donated so much to also make the space look super cool. This really cool guy is building custom desks for us later this month…people are so amazing!!! 

Jess, I so honored to be your daddy and will never ever give up thinking about you. We all miss you tons, love you more and can’t wait for one of our “family” hugs when we are all back together in Heaven.

xoxo, daddy, mommy, Shaya and JT