TeamNEGU Blog

Hi Sweet Pea…it’s daddy! I was cleaning out my night stand and found this note from you. I opened it up, read it and cherished every word…sure I cried but what you wrote was so tender, so innocent and so honest. It just made me so proud to be your daddy.

I know you loved me with all of your heart and were super thankful I was your daddy. You told me that often. You also loved to wish mommy and I special “wishes”.

I think of your last “wish” to mommy and I and what it has done…you simply asked us to “help every kid fighting cancer to never ever give up”. I had no idea then that one wish would have created such a massive wave of compassion for so many. I’m so honored to be your daddy!!!

Did you see your JoyJars went to Egypt this month? By the end of the year we will be over 115,000 reached. That is so amazing…all because you are so amazing! I know you probably don’t like that I brag on you so much…I’m simply making up for all of those years I took you for granted and didn’t brag on you enough.

Yesterday I was in Ohio and a man asked me…what has been one of your biggest learning’s? Within milliseconds I said…”That I took my wife and kids for granted. I took life for granted.” I feel so guilty that because of you being in Heaven I hug more, I work less and I say “I love you” more today. That pill is so hard to swallow. I’m so sorry for taking you for granted Jess. Dang…here comes the tears and they aren’t stopping so I’m going to sign off for this week.

Miss you tons, love you more…see you in a wink. Promise!


