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At just 3 years old on January 30, 2019, Jelien was diagnosed with b cell leukemia. The youngest of 7 kids, she has a spunky, mischievous personality and a contagious laugh despite her diagnosis.
Her mom said after the diagnosis, “My whole world just turned upside down. I’ve seen her change so much, that mischievous & spunky little girl physically became fragile but with a very strong spirit.”
Though giving toddlers medications is not easy with them crying and not wanting them, Jelien takes them and never spits them out. She has shown courage by not stopping and just taking the medication but also, showing her family how strong she is.
To Jelien and her family, “Never Ever Give Up to Us is a wake up call. I have a friend that has cancer and has 4 gorgeous daughters, she used “Losing is not an option”, to her it was about fighting with everything she had so she could see her daughters grow, be able to grow old with her husband. With Jelien, whatever comes our way, no matter how hard it may seem, we are not to loose faith or hope. We are to find joy each and everyday, NEVER letting this get Us down, EVER, don’t let our emotions GIVE into it & always, always rise UP!!!” Her mom says, “I’ve seen the videos and Jessie’s story crushed me but inspired me that just because we got a crushing news we can’t let it take over us and dull our lives. We are to take it and move on and find what brings us joy.”
Jelien enjoys watching the Oddbods tv show. It calms her during her hospital stays and visits. She also enjoys coloring, playing with legos, board games but most of all enjoys playing tricks on her older siblings!
Her mom said, “We would like to have more people aware of Jelien’s story, have more people encourage us to Never give Up, for my kids to be encourage to continue staying positive for their sister, for families & friends to continue being a positive force. Most importantly prayers, prayers for my family, for all the families going thru what we are & have, prayers prayers prayers to give us strength everyday.”
We NEGU for Jelien!