TeamNEGU Blog

Courageous Kid Spotlight: Jack

October 11, 2022

Seven years ago, at only four months old, Jack developed a hard bump on the top of his head. It appeared overnight. His pediatrician suggested it was likely a benign cyst but referred Jack’s parents to Children’s Hospital to get it checked on further. 

While at Children’s Hospital waiting for the appointment, Jack quickly developed a second bump on his head. A few days later he became sick, so they took him to the Emergency Room. After many scans, tests and procedures, Jack was diagnosed with stage 4 Neuroblastoma, a type of cancer that develops from immature nerve cells found in several areas of the body. His disease was very widespread, and it had metastasized all over – to his liver, lymph nodes, scrotum, lung, chest, ribs, bone, bone marrow, skull, epidural space, orbits, sinuses, skull base, and cervical spine. Jack’s tumor biopsy results showed he has a gene that allows his cancer to grow faster, making it harder to treat, putting Jack in the “High-Risk” category.

Wearing NEGU shirt and blue beanie

While fighting, Jack received one of Jessie’s JoyJars and proudly wore his Team NEGU shirt!

Receiving one of Jessie's JoyJars

In 2020, Jack’s scans came back ‘NED’- No evidence of disease!

In 2022, Jack’s family came to one of our Mobile JoyFactory events in Phoenix, AZ to say thank you to our NEGU team for the encouragement- and for Jack to get to stuff a JoyJar for another Courageous Kid! What a full circle moment! 

At JoyFactory event in Arizona

We are so honored to encourage Jack and thousands of Courageous Kids fighting cancer every day through ClubNEGU. This free program is for all Courageous Kids who live in the US/Canada, and their families. Each ClubNEGU family receives fun boosts of hope, joy and love each month!

We are so thankful to report Jack is now in remission! We NEGU for Jack!

Wearing NEGU shirt