TeamNEGU Blog

iStock_000019326708_ExtraSmall When it was time for the 8th grade girls basketball team at Pella Middle School to decide on their service project, it was a unanimous decision that they wanted to help to support their peers fighting cancer. One of the players stood before her team to tell them all about her cousin Jessie–her story and her mission. All of the girls were inspired  and wanted to help continue Jessie’s wish of sending messages of encouragement to all kids fighting cancer.

The girls from the Pella’s basketball team dove right into this service project as they educated their family and friends about pediatric cancer and collected donations of hospital approved toys and funds to support the Jessie Rees Foundation. The girls’ efforts expanded out as family and friends joined them in their fundraising efforts in their workplaces, churches and other organizations.Toys for Childrens Hospitals

After it was all said and done, the Pella Middle School basketball team collectively gathered 6 BOXES of hospital approved toys AND raised enough funds for all team members to join the Jessie Rees Foundation’s Joy Squad!!

What an amazing job these young girls did–a simple project with HUGE impact! Thank you so much to Pella Middle School basketball team for helping to continue Jessie’s wish–to Encourage All Kids Fighting Cancer to Never Ever Give Up.