During her 10-month fight with two brain tumors (DIPG), Jessie selflessly chose to help other kids fighting cancer by sending them her fun-filled JoyJars® and encouraging them to NEGU – Never Ever Give Up.
Here are 5 ways for you, your friends, you club, your church, your team or your company can work together to help Courageous Kids fighting cancer Never Ever Give Up!
- Join the JoySquad and help spread JOY monthly to children fighting cancer. The JoySquad is made up of generous and compassionate people who graciously support Jessie’s JoyJars on a monthly basis. Each member selects how many JoyJars they wish to sponsor each month. The JoyFactory then stuffs and sends each one to Courageous Kids fighting cancer!
- Host JoyDrives throughout the year Hosting a JoyDrive with your fellow classmates or co-workers is a great opportunity to collect those special toys that are put into JoyJars. When you commit to hosting a JoyDrive, we provide you with a list of hospital-approved toys and some basic instructions. Whether you want to collect one item, like Crayola Crayons or a variety of toys, it’s up to you to pick from our hospital approved toy list!
- Host a Courageous Cupcake Stand Hosting a Courageous Cupcakes Stand is a fun and easy way to raise more resources for kids fighting cancer. A cupcake stand can compliment just about any event and activity, and who doesn’t love a cupcake – they were Jessie’s favorite! When you sign up to host a Courageous Cupcakes Stand, you receive a mini cupcake prep kit which gives you all the tools you need to host a successful fundraiser.
- Hold a Compassion Change drive Did you know that a 16oz water bottle filled with dimes is equivalent to $100? By hosting a Compassionate Change Drive, you simply collect dimes and fill empty 16oz water bottles with them. Each water bottle filled with dimes sends 4 of Jessie’s JoyJars to Courageous Kids! Compassion Change Drives are great for schools, clubs and any group of people simply wanting to collect loose change to help spread JOY to children fighting cancer.
- DONATE! $25 sends a Courageous Kid fighting cancer a JoyJar and the encouragement to NEVER EVER GIVE UP!
… there are more ways to get involved that fit your busy schedule at jessie.org/get-involved now!

The Jessie Rees Foundation was, and always will be, inspired by one courageous and compassionate 12 year old little girl. Her name, Jessica Joy Rees, better known as “Jessie”. Jessie was a faith-filled, beautiful, athletic, caring and loving twelve year old girl who courageously fought two brain tumors (DIPG) from March 3, 2011 to January 5, 2012. She loved her family very much and her puppy Mr. Moe. During her courageous 10 month fight with two brain tumors, 12 year old Jessie Rees asked her parents to help encourage every kid fighting cancer to Never Ever Give Up. Jessie’s Wish is the sole mission of her foundation.