TeamNEGU Blog

Encouragement Round-Up For Rylee

RyleeThis week, we are so honored to introduce 3-year old Rylee, our NEGU Kid of the Week! Rylee is a special little girl with a big heart, a big smile and a special love for so many things. It is many of those special things that have given Rylee the encouragement she needs to put Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in her past, forever. Team NEGU, let’s shower Rylee with the encouragement and support she needs to fuel her fight. Visit Rylee at Rylee’s Journey of Hope


Here are some of Rylee’s favorite things, which have helped Rylee to keep spirits high, her smile bright and most of all, have encouraged her to Never Ever Give Up—shared by her mommy Melissa:


Big Smiles, Big Kisses and Big Hugs

Before her diagnosis, I can remember very few times that I’ve ever saw Rylee down, sad, or cry. She was a healthy, happy little girl, that had never been sick, except with a cold or two. She LOVES her family. She has 3 older sisters, 21, 22 and 25, and an older brother, age 9, all of which she adores, and who also love her so deeply, that they would do anything for her. She does not hesitate to walk up to you several times a day and tell you she loves you, along with a big kiss, or will just come ask for a hug for no reason. She has a smile that lights up the room, and anyone who see’s it. For a three year old, she is very endearing. and anyone who meets her, becomes attached to her instantly

Barbies, Disney and all Things “Little Girl”

Rylee loves to be a little girl, Her favorite things are Barbie, Tangled, Disneyland and especially Mickey Mouse. She is also an amazing painter, and loves to paint and color pictures for the people she loves. She loves to dance, do art projects, play with her sisters makeup and loves to take LOTS of pictures!


Rylee had just started Pre-school for the first time for only one month before she had got sick. From the very first day, she never cried, or did not want to be there. She misses her teacher, and all of her classmates and would love to go back as soon as she is healthy.

Her Family

She loves her family more than anything, except for her older sisters and brother, she loves them the most.


Encouragement, Love and Support from Her Family and Others

Rylee always has us around her, encouraging her, telling her how much we truly love her. how very brave she is. and how special she is. I believe this has been the foundation of the inner strength she has. If you look at all of her pictures. most are with her siblings, and she is always so happy. She does get scared to go to treatment, and to have her port accessed, but as of Monday, her most recent treatment. she allowed them to access her in the playroom, and didn’t barely let out a whimper. Her most amazing attempt so far. She does not fight procedures or treatment, and is ready to take on the world! My daughter has inspired me to be the best person I can be. just for her sake.

“Rylee has taught me that a hug and a kiss mean so much to your loved ones, and it’s important to tell them how much you love them. She’s taught me not to be insecure about who I am, or how I look. it’s all in how you feel about yourself that matters. Her bravery through all of this shows me to never give up on anyone or on life, and to experience it with happiness and love in your heart. Most importantly, she’s taught me to help or take notice of anyone who is sad or down, and give them a hug and let them know its going to be ok”- Mommy Melissa

