eCard Terms and Conditions

Jessie Rees Foundation’s eCard service is a free, public service that allows anyone to send electronic greeting cards to friends, family and co-workers and to include a personal message with the eCard. Use of the eCard service is subject to all of the terms and conditions and policies applicable to Jessie Rees Foundation’s website as well as the following terms and conditions. By using the eCard service (either sending or receiving an eCard), you agree to all of these terms and conditions and policies. In regards to sending messages (including reply emails): The eCard service is for personal, noncommercial uses and is intended to convey positive and inspirational messages. In using the eCard service, you are solely responsible and liable for the content of your communications and you agree not to include in your personal message content that:

  • includes profanity or violence or hateful, harassing, threatening, racist, sexist, defamatory, or derogatory remarks,
  • includes obscene or pornographic language or images,
  • is unlawful or which could give rise to any civil or criminal liability,
  • infringes the intellectual property or other rights of another person, including rights under copyright, trademark, publicity, or privacy, and/or
  • includes commercial advertisements, promotions, or solicitations.

Because the information you provide in your personal message may be shared by the recipient with others, your personal message should not include any information (e.g. protected health information or private personal information) that you would not want publicly disclosed or shared with others. Jessie Rees Foundation will not be liable for the disclosure of any information that you include in your personal message. Jessie Rees Foundation’s eCard service is subject to Jessie Rees Foundation’s website privacy policy. Information collected from the sender is for one-time use to send your message to the address you provide. Although Jessie Rees Foundation does not screen or monitor the content of eCards, Jessie Rees Foundation reserves the right to do so, and in its sole discretion to remove content, block use of the eCard service, or take other action as it deems appropriate with respect to any content, although Jessie Rees Foundation is under no obligation to do so. 

In regards to receiving messages: Personal messages that you receive from others may contain inaccurate, inappropriate, or offensive content. Jessie Rees Foundation is not responsible for, and assumes no liability for, the content of personal messages that you receive. In this regard:

  • Comments and views expressed in a personal message are those of the individual sending the eCard and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Jessie Rees Foundation.
  • Jessie Rees Foundation does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of the information sent in a personal message.
  • Jessie Rees Foundation does not endorse content or links provided in a personal message.
  • You should not click on any suspicious links, as these may be spam or other hazardous material added by the individual sending the eCard.